Blackburn State Park and Wildlife Management Area

1291 Cemetery Road (north of Thurman, IA)

Blackburn State Park and Wildlife Management Area is a 160-acre nature preserve in a remote part of the environmentally-sensitive Loess Hills in Southwest Iowa.  The preserve was founded by William R. (Bill) Blackburn, who donated the net income from William Blackburn Consulting to its development and preservation.  In 2019, the property was donated to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to form Blackburn State Park and the Blackburn Wildlife Management Area. See Blackburn State Park for details. These details include the following sections:

  • Maps (directions, trails, surrounding public lands)
  • Friends of Blackburn State Park
  • Plants and Animals
  • The Loess Hills
  • Government and public interest
  • History
  • Refernces
  • Photo gallery

The property is quite diverse, consisting of approximately 35 acres of prairie and the remainder of timber, ravines, steams and wetlands.  The park has a pavilion and observation deck, a restroom and several miles of hiking trails.  Three large memorial benches cut from SW Iowan boulders grace the park ridge from which beautirul sunsets can be enjoyed.