Executive Certificate Program: Global Business Sustainability
Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, May 7, 2018
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems, 2017 Annual Report: Sustainable Development
The Year in Review 2017, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resource Law. Nov. 2017
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems, 2016 Annual Report: Sustainable Development
The Year in Review 2016, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resource Law. Dec. 2016
Sustainability in Business–An Update
ORCHSE Strategies, Corporate Environmental Forum, Washington, DC, Aug. 1, 2016
The Practice of Sustainability at Colleges and Universities
The Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis, Environmental Law Institute, Mar. 2016, p. 10394
Corporate Sustainability: Managing with Social, Economic and Environmental Responsibility Environmental Law Institute
Washington, DC, March 31, 2016
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems, 2015 Annual Report: Sustainable Development
The Year in Review 2015, American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resource Law. Jan. 2016
Sustainability –A Business Imperative
Metropolitan Community College with Central Community College, Joslyn Institute for Sustainable Communities, and University of Nebraska Lincoln, Omaha, NE, November 5, 2015
Sustainability Matures–A global consensus emerges on this misunderstood concept
American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resource Law. July 2015
Establishing Annual Loess Hills Week, Loess Hills Alliance Meeting
Pisgah, IA, May 6, 2015